
Showing posts from October, 2004
I'm a Pisces Chick PISCES WOMAN She likes to be in a dream world than to be in reality. She is weak and sensitive when it's come to "Love". She can cry if her best friend is breaking up, and she can be over excited when her friend gets a new boy friend who is a good looking and rich even it is nothing concerned her at all. You might be surprise to see that she is shy just because she is in love. More or less it will be in Pisces woman. She loves small animal and gifted in training animals. She has sixth senses and she can guess what will happen next, it's her nature. Even she has a good sixth senses, she can not pick or foreseen her own choice of lover. She can not tell if she meet a sincere guy or an one-night stand guy. She likes to buy and pick her own cloths. She likes to dress cute and be cute. Pisces woman tend to be a good looking woman and she has a nice skin. Her hands and feet are small and soft. Pisces woman loves to shop for shoes as if she coll...
I'm a little behind No actually, I'm a LOT behind. Hehehe... tadinya gue rajin banget apdet tapi koq sekarang kayanya mandeg. Ngga tau juga deh. Yg jelas final exam gue mulai tanggal 9 November. Wismilak people! Gue mulai mengkontemplasi kemungkinan gue ngga lulus taon pertama. Kemungkinan sudah diajukan ke muka "sponsor" dan dia bilang..... ya sudah. Jadi, ............... ya sudah. 7 menit lagi gue off. Mau belajar buat quiz jam 3 nanti. Gue belum belajar sama sekali. I've been busy. Geraham gue sakit. Bete. Ada sesuatu yg ngeganjel. Baru baca sesuatu, dan sekarang gue sebel. Ngga tau kenapa. Harusnya udah ngga sebel. Harusnya udah cuek. Berapa kali ngingetin diri kalo gue udah ngga peduli lagi. Tapi koq..... jari" ini masih lemes? Perut masih loncat ke kerongkongan waktu tahu, masih........ sakit? Kayanya gue harus berhenti ngarep. Toh, itu salah gue juga. Be happy with what you've got. (Sayang, jangan tanya aku kenapa. Itu pertanyaan yg...
Koq.... tambah males ya??? Koq gue males banget ya? Males posting gituh. Kayanya.... ngga ngalir aja. Ngga kaya dulu. Sekali posting bisa ajegilebanyakbangeteuyideguegaabisabis. Tapi sekarang..... gersang. Well..... ini something I came up with tadi malem, waktu nyoba untuk pertama kalinya renungan malam pake Alkitab. Katanya... "Come to God and be honest to Him" Kata gue... "Conciousness eliminates honesty" Lahh.... emang gue ngga ditakdirkan untuk renungan malam. Doa gue... "God. If You really wanna do something, do it while I'm not aware. Therefore I won't forget to say thanks. Aaaaameeeennnnn" On another note: Kata mamah kata mamah kata mamah kata mamah..... jangan pacaran duluuuuuuuuuuuu..... nasib.
The morning I cried They took away my sunshine, obscured my piece of sky... and I cried. I looked at myself in the mirror and pitied what I saw. I was pale, a blank piece of paper with a face drawn into it and puffed eyes. A messy mat of hair stuck to the top. I watched the color seep into the tops of my cheekbones, but everything else stayed pallid. The lips are always red, due to excessive biting. I contemplated smiling into the mirror, and decided. I wont be smiling today, but you won't notice me anyway.
Koq males banget ya? Hmm... ngga tau kenapa, tapi koq kayanya akhir" ini semua yg gue kerjain didasari rasa malas. Gue baru aja ngelaluin 2 minggu liburan. Well... sebenernya sih study break, yg artinya saat break gue harus study. Tapi entah kenapa dan bagaimana gue berhasil meyakinkan temen gue bahwa arti dari study break adalah break dari study, jadi jangan belajar! Which is yg gue lakukan (atau tidak lakukan) dalam liburan a.k.a. study break ini. Hehehe... Hidup pyro! Bohongin terus anak" itu! Sapa tau nanti loe bisa lulus dengan predikat tukang tipu. Gue dukung!!! Gue ngga ngerti kenapa gue tulis itu tadi.... Well anyway, gue nyelesain beberapa hal 2 minggu terakhir. Gue bayar tagihan", protes soal tagihan telefon yg 10x lipat seharusnya (gila kan?), gue udah selesai semua visit" gue ke dokter, tapi masiiiiih aja ada yg belon selesai. Gue ngga ngerti. Sekali ngga ada kerjaan bener" sante sante kaye di pante, tapi sekali ada kerjaan semuaaaa numpuk...