
Showing posts from March, 2006

I think I'd like to die today.

Pintu rumah. Kunci. Buka. Alarm. Ganti tampon. Ganti celana panjang. Halaman belakang. Novel pinjaman. 4 batang rokok, habis sampai filter. Doa. Laptop. Sign in. Offline messages: Ada seorang pria beli viagra krn mahal tdk ditelan tapi dijilati.hasilnya ruar biasa! 3 hari tdk bisa makan krn lidah ereksi Senyum pertama hari ini. i saw u walking on the street. u lips, u eyes, u nose....... everything look perfect. i couldn't helpsing to my self, WHO LET DOGS OUT!! WOOF!! WOOF! WOOF!!!! Sialan orang satu ini. WHEN GOD OPEN THE WINDOW OF HEAVEN, HE SAW ME AND ASK, "WHAT IS UR WISH 4 TODAY?" I SAID,"LORD, PLEASE TAKE CARE THE PERSON WHO'S READING THIS MESSAGE. ... Pingin nangis. Tidak ada waktu untuk tangis. Tidak ada energi untuk tangis. Ganti kaos. Bikini. Alas kain warna warni. Halaman belakang. Berbaring. 4 batang rokok, habis sampai filter. Lelah. pisau cukur.karbol wangi.pisau dapur.skalpel bedah.silet nadi.silet leher.minum racun.tabrak lari.10 butir panadol.ti...

Malesin banget sih.

Mmhh.. *ngucek mata*. Jam berapa ya sekarang? Raba-raba meja lampu sebelah tempat tidur untuk nyari weker yg ngga dipake untuk waking me up. Ah.. jam 10.28, siang. Eh.. kok tangan gue item-item sih jarinya? Bah, baru sadar. Kemarin lupa hapus make up! Sekarang tangan penuh eyeliner. Argh.. malesin banget sih. Damn, who left the door open? Aduuh.. sunlight.. kepala gue sakit. Ke kampus ngga ya? Hm.. Jalan ke kampus bolak balik satu setengah jam. Kuliah cuma satu jam, dan direkam pula. What a hard choice... NOT. Hehehe... malesin banget sih. Jalan ke kamar mandi. Sikat gigi, lihat kaca, lalu menyesal. Igh, muka gue penuh eyeliner sama eyeshadow yg belon diapus dari tadi malem. Hmph.. Ambil kapas, eye make up remover, lalu wipe wipe wipe sampe bersih. Ah.. rasanya kaya udah cuci muka. Ngga perlu cuci muka lagi deh. Hihihi... Sikat gigi. Hueks... kecolok sikat. Hoek... hoeeek.. hoeeeeek... igh. Yg keluar asem lambung. Malesin banget sih. Jalan males-malesan ke dapur. Buka lemari makanan. H...

Simply Understandable

why do we leave? so we could find a way to return why do we become lost? so we could remember, that for once, we knew the way few smiles are just so that you have to smile back why do we ask questions? because we want to know more why are we interested? because we prefer not to be bored boredom is one of the greatest human achievements it has brought you here to what you are today how do you know you have grown? when you look back at a long time ago, and laugh a wise man (and to be politically correct, woman) is one who can laugh at his (and her) own mistakes but not just laugh correct their mistakes kalimat yg sering digunakan ayah saya kalau saya melakukan hal bodoh terlalu sering: "Keledai saja ngga jatuh dalam satu lubang yg sama dua kali!" hahaha... simply understandable.

Too many reasons

Why do you love me? Because I can't help not to. Why do you love me? I don't. Then, why don't you? Because you don't love me. Why do you love me? Because I need to love someone. But why me? Because I can't find anyone else. Why do you love me? Because you remind me of someone I loved a long time ago. You don't love me. You love him. Why do you love me? Because you loved me first. Why do you love me? I can't answer that. I choose not to answer that. Why do you love me? Because you hit me. I have to love you. Why do you love me? What makes you so sure I love you? Why do you love me? I don't. I hate you. Why do you love me? Because you find a million reasons to make me smile. Because I only need to look at you to make my whole day perfect. Because your presence makes me warm. Because I know now you're the one. Because I want to be with you the rest of my life. Because I need you more than I need anything else in the world. But I don't love you......