See ya... Wouldn't wanna be ya...
I would never never want to be God. Never. It has never crossed my mind to ever want to be God. There is something so unappealing about having, literally, the world in the palm of your hands. You become constricted, restricted, repressed, depressed, and yet you have all the power in the universe to do anything you want, and you can't. You're not allowed. By whom? I'll tell you by whom. By YOU . Yes, you. You, who's reading this right now. You are restricting God, right now, as we speak (or as you read, rather. perfect instances don't occur in this little space of mine). You give God a picture. He is a bright light. He is a handsome Nazarean with brown hair and blue eyes with a halo around his head. He is a fat bald man who knows the secrets to the world. He is a being with multiple arms. He is the Creator. He is the Destroyer. He is the Giver. He is the Taker. And hence, He must look like this , or this , or this . Are you being serious? He has to be forgiving. He h...