My DReaM

I dreamt of a beautiful place
where flowers bloom and birds sing
I dreamt of a place where you take one look
and fall in love with everything
Where there are blue skies, white clouds
and wonderful, clean air
Where children play and couples hold hands
and peace is everywhere
Then I open up my eyes
and I'm back in my room
A tiny four by three for two
just me and my gloom
I dream of that place everynight
I keep it in my heart
A vision of utopia
keepin' me from fallin' apart
It exists! I know it does
Don't tell me otherwise
Maybe if I'm good enough
it'll be my future prize
So now with hopes of a better place
I'm livin' day to day
And try to forget for one little while
that I live in a place
"where angels lose their way..."


Sebenernya gue nulis ini uda lama bgt, uda dari tgl 13 tapi baru sekarang sempet dipost. Gue nulis jem 4.50 pagi, gara2 ga bisa tidur uda gitu the phrase "where angels lose their way" itu maen2 trus di kepala gue. Ya uda jadi deh poem. He3. Basi ya. Gitu de. Buat all you gamers out there pasti tau la. Yupz. Itu dari game Chrono Cross. Gue ga tau tapi buat gue itu phrase appealing bgt. Keren aja gitu. Angels aja bisa lose their way gimana orang ya?

Eniweiz kemaren Rico telpon gue. Muakakakakaakak...shenangh. Dia bae2 aja n kayanya hari ini nyampe jkt d. Wishimlak. Uda dulu ah. Gue blank ga tau mo nulis apa. Bubbye.


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