It's Like...

it's like waking up with your eyes closed, wondering what time it is and why you woke up
it's like watching a movie with the sound turned off
it's like sucking marrow out of a chicken bone, savouring the taste of blood
it's like seeing something you know you will never see again the rest of your life
it's like crying yourself to sleep, knowing you will wake up with swollen eyes and a puffy face
it's like being excited and afraid for something you've never imagined
it's like breaking the perfect surface of newly opened peanut butter
it's like looking at a beautiful girl, and wondering if she would
it's like biting your lips, wincing when you've bitten too deep
it's like the warmth of skin against skin, yours on someone else's
it's like a firm handshake and a reassuring smile
it's like imagining a monster under your bed, breathing hard and shallow
it's like waiting for an sms that never came
it's like hoping for a call when the phone never rang
it's like orgasm, for the first time in your life
it's like smiling so wide you feel your face would break apart
it's like being jealous, when you swear you're not
it's like taking a picture of stars at night
it's like saying you believe in aliens and God
it's like being buried in snow and dying of the chill, but not wanting to come out
it's like slitting your wrist, feeling the blood flow out, draining you of life
it's like hot chocolate and marshmallows in front of a fireplace
it's like a hug when you need it most
it's like a nervous first kiss, not your best, but unforgettable
it's like an exotic dance
it's like falling in love with you
i swear i'm not.


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