Temen gue akhirnya pegi. Rico uda pindah ke indo for good. Ya elah. Sedih. Oke. Gue harus jujur. Sebenernya gue ga sedih. Gue seneng buat dia. I'm gonna miss him big time, tapi pas dia pegi tu gue ga berasa apa2. Gue ngeliat temen2 gue pada nangis2 gitu, trus gue juga jadi pengen sedih tapi ga bisa, soalnya gue emang ga sedih. Masa' dipaksain? Kesian juga ya. Tapi emang seh, kalo dipikir-pikir gue bakal sepi banget. Masih banyak seh temen gue yang rame n bisa ngeramein, tapi definitely no one like him. Cuman dia manusia yg bersedia call gue kapan aja gue mau biarpun dia lagi di indo n gue disini. Parah juga ya. Tapi gpp. Yg penting gue wish him the best of luck, gue bakal email dia tiap hari ampe dia bosen, trus gue ga bakal lose contact sama sekale. Kalo misalkan dia mo ditelpon ya hayu atuh gue telpon. Gpp. Namanya juga temen. I don't mind. Frenship kan ga bisa dihargain pake pulsa telpon. Lagian gue juga tau he would do the same for me. Mudah2an dia bakal dapet ceweqz yg baek, yg cantik, yg lebih pendek (muakakakakakakak.....), yg udah jelas masa depannya ga kaya gue, yg uda mapan, yg direstui ortunya n yg jelas harus ceweqz. Ga bole yg laen2. Uda gitu gue musti kenal tu ceweq n gue musi ngrestuin. Kalo uda gitu baru bole kawin. Muakakakakakak....Jahat ya gue. Pokoke gue seneng buat dia n support 100% (beraaaaat..) n mudah2an dia suxes selalu n smuanya pretty much lancar2 aja buat dia. If u're readin' this bro, know I'll miss u always, n jangan lupa kalo nanti gue balik ke indo lu harus siapin duit segepok supaya bisa gue porotin. Lu musti nganterin gue kemana aja gue mau, bayarin gue mau apa aja, telpon gue kapan aja gue mau. Ya intinya lu bakal gue siksa. Muwahaahahahahahhaha....ya gitu deh. udahan ah. Cape gue. Rico, I'm gonna miss u bro. CALL ME SOON! Peace.
She still loves him. She keeps his pictures in a secret folder in her computer, and in the deepest darkest corners of her heart. She avoids any conversation that involves him and things that remind her of him, but she listens to his songs and secretly finds out about him from the little frail channels that she keeps just to maintain a piece of him in her life. She looks for new men, but searches for him inside every one of them. She refuses to begin a new relationship because she’s saving herself for him, and she’s still hoping he will return. She’s still hoping he will change. That he realized he’s made a mistake and that she is the one he really needs. She still believes in that happy ending. She looks for his perfume in every particle of air she breathes, and cries when she finds it. She remembers their good times and forgets that blade still cutting her heart in little pieces. She loves the memory of him and that makes his betrayal all right, normal. She says she is over him but sh...
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