hands hands hands my hands are shaking i can't stop it's hyper i'm hyper i need to settle down meditate stop moving around but i can't i can't i need to keep moving because my hands are shaking and i'm bored i'm excited not bored i need help please someone i have to do something to stop because i'm shaking so bad my hands are shaking and my eyes they stray they keep going seeing looking at things and i keep mistyping and deleting and re-typing again because i'm making so many mistakes i can't stop making mistakes because my hands are shaking i shouldn't have drunk that coffee i don't know what's wrong with me now i can't stop typing i just need to transfer all this energy i'm hyper have to stop have to have to or else oh shit i can't something's wrong my brain is on overdrive and i'm going to overdrive it over a bridge and crash now i can't quit these hands are moving too fast too slow for me need to run out of energy really help please not stopping can't afford to stop because i would destroy things around me if i do try to stop typing but i keep mistyping what do i do please i'm hyper i'll try to stop now but suffer the consequences don't want to suffer the consequences but i have to stop now because i'm repeating myself over and over again repeating myself not good have to stop soon now...
Act Five: akan kubalas
mengapa kau lempar aku?
kau campakkan bagai sepatu balet usang
tak cukup baikkah aku?
tak cukup sabarkah aku?
perih ... perih sekali
irisan panjang di lengan
pisau di tangan
tak sebanding dengan luka hatiku
kuingat wajahmu
pandangan terakhir saat mereka menendangku keluar
seperti aku ini sampah
tiada artinya bagimu
pelacur! wanita jalang! murahan!
kuteriakkan itu, kuteriakkan namamu
darah di tangan terus menetes
air mata terus mengucur
tapi hatiku tak akan sembuh
aku benci kamu! aku benci!
aku mengerti sekarang
ada yang lain di hatimu
siapa dia?
salah satu dari bajingan yang melemparku?
atau dua? tiga?
aku ingin mati
aku ingin mati
Tuhan! Tuhan!!!
biarkan aku mati
sambar aku dengan petir
biarkan neraka menganga di bawah kakiku
tidak ada Tuhan
cuma setan
setan cantik yang menari
aku jatuh ke tangannya
tidak ada Tuhan
tidak untukku
aku ingin mati
aku ingin ...
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