hands hands hands my hands are shaking i can't stop it's hyper i'm hyper i need to settle down meditate stop moving around but i can't i can't i need to keep moving because my hands are shaking and i'm bored i'm excited not bored i need help please someone i have to do something to stop because i'm shaking so bad my hands are shaking and my eyes they stray they keep going seeing looking at things and i keep mistyping and deleting and re-typing again because i'm making so many mistakes i can't stop making mistakes because my hands are shaking i shouldn't have drunk that coffee i don't know what's wrong with me now i can't stop typing i just need to transfer all this energy i'm hyper have to stop have to have to or else oh shit i can't something's wrong my brain is on overdrive and i'm going to overdrive it over a bridge and crash now i can't quit these hands are moving too fast too slow for me need to run out of energy really help please not stopping can't afford to stop because i would destroy things around me if i do try to stop typing but i keep mistyping what do i do please i'm hyper i'll try to stop now but suffer the consequences don't want to suffer the consequences but i have to stop now because i'm repeating myself over and over again repeating myself not good have to stop soon now...


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