I'm not crazy

I'm not crazy
I'm just weird
don't look at me that way

Stop trippin' on me!
I'm tired
I just wanna go to bed
I just wanna sleep

Stop asking questions
they're too hard
they bother me

Stop pushing me around
I'm tired of falling down
I'm tired of getting back up
I think I'll stay down

Why can't you just listen to me?
Shut up for once and hear me out
I'm tired of you!
I'm tired of trying to be you!
I'm sick of your screaming and yelling
I'm sick of everything!

So just stop
Stop what you're doing
because I've started dying
because you ignore me

Listen to me
Step into my shoes
Learn to love me
as I've tried to love you
because we're not different people
you are me and I am you
so stop hurting me
...or I'll start hurting YOU!!!

*a conversation with myself


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