Ask, and it shall be provided to you (or something like that)

Update on my financial state:
1. Amount of money in pocket currently AU$ 0.65 (not enough for anything)
2. Amount of money in withdrawable bank account as of this morning AU$ 1.58 (making it unwithdrawable)
3. Amount of money owing to the very nice people around me about AU$ 25.00 (I don't keep specific count, really)

Update on food stock:
1. Setelah dicek, masih ada 4 bungkus Indomie (Praise Gawd!)
2. Satu bungkus besar Hershey's chocolates (wo-hoo!)
3. Tiga batang Silver Queen.
4. Seperempat kilo beras.
5. Setengah bungkus frozen buncis.
6. Saos" yg mungkin bisa berguna di kemudian hari.
7. Dua sachet kopi ginseng.
8. Satu dus hot chocolate bubuk.
9. Meises Ceres beberapa bungkus.

Sekarang jadi rajin baca newsletter universitas, karena setiap minggu ada laporan dimana aja dan kapan aja ada makanan gratis. Baru aja gue nyomot kue dan kopi gratis, courtesy of "Love your Arse week" di UWA. That's lunch and dinner today. Besok, terpaksa nunggu pulang untuk makan, dan lusa ada free soup! Hehehe... Living on free food and the nice-ness of lovely friends. I feel like a bum... Sekarang yg sangat dikuatirkan adalah uang untuk transport. Ngga ngerti deh gimana cara ke uni kalo udah kaya gini. Minjem duit lagi deh kayanya.

But like I've said before. You won't have to be reduced to begging. Ask, and it shall be provided to you.


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