Kemaren makan2 di rumah Alex. Sumpe de enak abiezzzz. Gue kan 1/2 menado, and Alex menado pula. Udah klop abis. Gue uda makan2an dunia gue gitu. Anggi, gue yakin lu kenyang abiz juga kan? He2. Enak bgt ya. Uda trakhir2 wine baru kluar, tapi gue ga brani ngambil soalnya gue yakin banget kalo gue tadi malem minum gue hari ini ga bakal bisa bangun n pegi skul. Lagian gue alergi alkohol. Kalo minum misalkan lebih dari 2 ato 3 gelas wine, gatel2. Asli ga enak bgt. Jadi ningan gue jauh2 dari itu de kecuali besoknya gue gada kerjaan. 3 orang korban diceburin kemaren. Alex (so pasti. dia yg ultah gitu loooo), Kevin, ama Maya. Kalo Maya ga sengaja. Itu emang dia lagi sue. Niat nyeburin orang ikut kecebur. Muakakakakakakak.....:D Parah. Tapi kemaren asli asik bgt. Gue seneng. He3. Btw 2 all u org2 Menado di luar sono ALLLLOOOOOOEEEEE.....!!!!! Udahan dulu ah. Ngomong2 disini ada yg maen Neopets ga?Jadi Neofriend gue dongggggg! Bubbyeeeee....
She still loves him. She keeps his pictures in a secret folder in her computer, and in the deepest darkest corners of her heart. She avoids any conversation that involves him and things that remind her of him, but she listens to his songs and secretly finds out about him from the little frail channels that she keeps just to maintain a piece of him in her life. She looks for new men, but searches for him inside every one of them. She refuses to begin a new relationship because she’s saving herself for him, and she’s still hoping he will return. She’s still hoping he will change. That he realized he’s made a mistake and that she is the one he really needs. She still believes in that happy ending. She looks for his perfume in every particle of air she breathes, and cries when she finds it. She remembers their good times and forgets that blade still cutting her heart in little pieces. She loves the memory of him and that makes his betrayal all right, normal. She says she is over him but sh...
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