In Mourning

Hey guys. Inget birthday boy di posting sebelon ini? Yup, my bro Yos. Well, setelah happy day kemaren hari ini dateng kabar jelek banget. Pagi" kira" jam 8 lewat waktu Indo, dia nelfon gue, buat ngasih tau kalo bokapnya meninggal. I'm so sorry bro. Be tough and take care of your mom. She needs you lots right now. Kalo kamu ada apa" bilang aja. I'll try to make you feel better even though itu impossible. Please be tough.

Tadi pagi gue bangun dengan feeling anget banget, padahal heater gue ngga nyala. Ada kejadian tanggal 30 kemaren yg bikin gue... mmhhh.. apa ya istilahnya? Gitu deh pokoke. Hehehe... Terus kayanya gue lagi in a romantic mood, jadi di luar kepala gue bikin ini. Kalo terlalu "mushy" en muluk" ngga usah dibaca gapapa kok.

I want a lot of things, especially today
I want to wake up to a kiss,
to the smell of breakfast being made,
even though I don't eat breakfast
I want to wake up to his smell beside me
I want to wake up lying on his chest
wake up to his heartbeat
the way I fell asleep the night before

I want to sleep in and be lazy,
and make him pull me out of bed
I want him to take a bath first
so I can give him a morning hug
and smell him all over myself
and never let him go

I want to make lunch for him
for the both of us
I want to watch him eat
even though the food tastes like crap
he'll still smile and say it's good
and still keep a straight face
even though I put sugar in his fried rice
and salt in his coffee

I want to hold hands with him
walking down in the park
chasing ducks and birds
and being chased by the park keeper
for writing our names on every tree there
(Man, that's a lot of trees...)

I want to him to tickle me really hard
until I laugh uncontrollably
and punch him really hard to make him stop
and hug him as an apology

I want to watch the sun set
I don't care where
I don't care how
as long as it's with him

I want to fix dinner for the both of us
and make sure it's perfect
no sugar on the fried rice
and no salt in his coffee
and I can be dessert

I want to sleep to the sound of his heartbeat again
his irregular breathing as he pretends to sleep
but I know he's still awake
waiting for me to fall asleep

I want to have dreams where I see me and him
the both of us
in a perfect day
in a perfect life
among imperfections
We're not perfect
but we're perfect together

I want a lot of things
I guess I'm human then

Most of all
I want you here
I want you here
I want you here

Med Lab
-I hope this makes you feel better-

Quote of the day:
"When God calls for me, don't cry. I just went home" -D12


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