9:45 pm

A Letter to God

Dear God,

I know I don't write to You often. I just need to ask some questions. They won't be too hard to answer. Ask and you shall receive, right? Well, I'd really like to receive answers to some, if not, all of my questions. Thank You, beforehand (because people say you always have to be thankful for everything, good or bad).

My first question is one that I bet people ask You the most. Why do You let bad things happen to people? I know You don't cause them but You just let them happen. Why is that? I know they don't deserve it. No one deserves it. So why do You let it happen?

People say everything happens for a reason. But why don't I ever find that reason?

People say it's all for the better. But why doesn't it get better afterwards? Why does it continue to hurt? Why do we have to accept?

God, I'm starting to get sick of listening to people. They give me stupid answers and they act as if they know You. They don't know You. They question You, too. So instead of listening to them, I want to know what You say. I want answers from You. Not from people who think they're smart and know everything. They may be smart, but You're smarter, aren't You?

Why do I have to be thankful for all the bad things that have happened and will happen to me? How can you be thankful if you're hurting so much? How? Can You tell me the best way to do that? Because I really can't. I don't know how. What should I do?

I don't mean to question You and everything You do. I just want to know. I don't question Your existence. You exist. You HAVE to exist, because I don't want to be speaking to thin air every night.

Just one more question, God. A simple one. Why don't You ever answer my letters? I'd really like a reply for them if it's not too much trouble. Thank You again, God, and please reply as soon as You can.

Warm regards,

PS: I don't know Your address, so I'll just write this on my blog. Is that okay with You? My email addresses are there, too, if You need them. I'll be in my room.

PPS: I've cried for two other people this month. When will I cry for myself? When I do, will You be there and cry with me?

PPPS: Please teach me how to comfort other people. I'm very bad at it. I've been getting quite a few bad news and I never know what to say. Whenever You have the time, You know where to find me.

PPPPS (last one, I promise): You won't lie, right?


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