Happy Birthday Indonesia

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Indonesiaaaaaaaa *extra panjang*. Happy birthday to yoouuuuuuuuuuu *lebih panjang lagi*.

Get well soon, Indonesia.



yesterday I was jobless
I wasn't in uni
I was still in Indonesia
I was still living with my parents
I was in high school
I was going out with a junior
I was content

yesterday I have never worked a day in my life
I don't dream about what I want to be
I don't care about what I want to be
I was just fine

yesterday I didn't have to work for what I wanted
I didn't even have to try
I was really lazy
I was unorganized
I was such an inconsiderate bastard

yesterday everything was so easy
everything was great
everything wasn't great
everything was just fine the way it was

but yesterday
yesterday I didn't know you
should I be happy now?

now you know why I hate todays so much

btw, I GOT THAT JOB!!!!! gyahahahahahhahahahha *cackling like a mad idiot*


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